Post Kilat

This morning, before I went to school, which is only 5 minutes away from my house, I was checked out my twitter. I found these which is encourage me so.

  • Anger is just one letter short of danger. Anyone who angers you conquers you.
  • The solution to our pain is the we must get right with God.
  • How can we bless God and then curse man at the same time out of the same mouth; blessing and cursing.? James 3:9,10

by Superkingdom

Hope you can make use to it and be blessed my dear friends. Today is great! I can feel the love of God gently. Wait my story! ~

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Life is Tough

Yes it does, and the world we are staying now is full of various people. We could find a lot of things inside. Everything just has a possibility to be done. Yeah, sometimes people hurt. Yes they are. Sometimes, somebody hurts. By their gesture or even their words, either it directly or indirectly said. Life just so tough and, sometimes, people are not, don't know yet to be, sportive. At last, we might be the victim? Be the one who gets blamed, perhaps.

Get discouraged. Get hurt. Get annoyed. That's it!
Just move on! it is too quick for us to give up now. Everything can be handled by our self. First thing first is, watch out our mind! How do we respond when we are facing things like that? Are we going to hurt them back? discourage them? annoy them?
A loud voice NO will be answered to you. Please! just don't do that. It wasting time and energy, yet, it doesn't profitable. Life always seems UNFAIR but it is not. Life is actually always fair. It depends on how you win the tricks. Should I say that life is tricky? haha

We have choices, so we have to choose. 
To be discouraged? or be more motivated? To be hurt? or to enlarge self capacity? to be annoyed? or to improve life?

See?It's simple. Keep your mind thinking positively. Cos everybody knows, life is tough! Things like that just so common. Take it easy, make it fun! If it's you who are facing kinda difficult situation with other people, be strong and take courage. Keep positive, pray for them and believe! We can live better each days! :) We have He, who is always lifting us up!

Philippians 2:5

Isaiah 43:1

2 Chronicles 20:15

Actually, this week is a busy week for me. Indeed I don't have much time for this. But, I really need to spill something out. Things that are running in my mind lately. And I found this, people, very annoying. Sometimes I can't stand on it. It was too hurt, you know. I tend to wonder, why people were hard to forget? difficult to forgive? unwilling to be sportive? But I'm okay now. Life is tough but I'm here to be tougher than that! :)  So, friends, thanks for reading the random feelings of mine.

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Happy birthday to Jafeth Thomas

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It likes a long time ago I didn't drop here by. Actually I'm just too busy this week to write. I don't have anything else in my mind to be written beside my ISP project. Still a few days to go yet a lot of things are waiting to be done.
By the way, saturday I was going to a wedding, an exalted one! WOW! never saw stuff like that before. Here I put some photograph I took. Really very gorgeous scene!

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St Regis Orchard

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There we are!

well..time to get back work! ISP? bring it on baby!

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Share Blessings

A few days ago I found this on my tweetdeck-replies. It came from Robb Thompson, one of my favorite authors yet he is a great man of God. He was shared the messages he did in Puerto Rico. I really blessed by his writing :)

Walking in your inheritance
by robb thompson

#1 - The Most Celebrated Demon In All Of Hell Was The One Assigned To Convince You That God Wanted You Poor.

  • #2 - Prosperity Is Nothing More Than Having Your Needs Met And Something Left Over To Meet The Needs Of Others.

  • #3 - God Will Never Give You A Future That Makes Him Unnecessary.

  • #4 - A Life Without A Harvest Is Proof You Have Invested In The Wrong People. (2Chron. 20:35-37)

  • #5 - Men Die To Leave An Inheritance… Jesus Came Back To Show Us How To Walk In It.

  • #6 - The Greatest Test You Will Ever Face Is The Test Of Prosperity.

  • #7 - It Is Impossible For God To Live Without The Man Who Chooses The Life Of Generosity. (2Cor. 9:6 AMP)

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Check this out

Temans, hari ini aku dikejar-kejar deadline!! haha. jadi tidak sempat menulis panjang-panjang!!! ahahaha. Yang pasti hari ini sedang sibuuukkkk banget! (hebat nih masih bisa ngeblog!) hahah. Trus tadi ditengah-tengah kebosanan, aku nyanyi-nyanyi kan, eh ketemu lagu ini. Bagus lhoooo :)

I know Who holds tomorrow
Ira Stanphill

I don't know about tomorrow,
I just live from day to day.
I don't borrow from it's sunshine,
For it's skies may turn to gray.I don't worry o'er the future,For I know what Jesus said,
And today I'll walk beside Him,
For He knows what is ahead.

Many things about tomorrow,
I don't seem to understand;
But I know Who holds tomorrow,And I know Who holds my hand.

Ev'ry step is getting brighter,
As the golden stairs I climb;
Ev'ry burden's getting lighter;
Ev'ry cloud is silver lined.
There the sun is always shining,There no tear will dim the eyes,
At the ending of the rainbow,
Where the mountains touch the sky.

I don't know about tomorrow,
It may bring me poverty;
But the One Who feeds the sparrow,
Is the One Who stands by me.And the path that be my portion,
May be through the flame or flood,
But His presence goes before me,
And I'm covered with His blood.

Bagus kaann kata-katanya?!! hehehe. Ayo temans pada cari juga lagunya yah. Biar nanti bisa nyanyi bareng di naff. hehehe.

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Yak, anyway, akhirnya, tadi aku baru selesai bikin!! hehe.
This imut-imut picture I made for my bro yang telah banyak membantu! hehe. (ganti yang kemaren) ;p

This award I presented to click here ! :)

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Special Corner : Ucapan Terima Kasih

ahahaha.. kak ! maaf ya gambarnya jelekan! nanti bikin yang bagusan nya besok! huhu THANKS! :D

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Siang ini aku chat sama temen sekelas waktu SMA dulu, saingan di kelas sih tapi sahabat dekat. Hehe. Sharing our experience about spiritual dryness.

Tau gak sih, itu hal yang paling menakutkan dan yang paling memprihatinkan di muka bumi ini (ini ga lebai, tapi ini serius). I have ever felt it once in my life, that one is the most bad, worse and worst ever! ketika aku menomorduakan Tuhan dalam hidup dan beneran deh, rasanya hidup hampa banget! rasanya ga ada harapan, ga ada gunanya ada disini, bener-bener keringnya itu (kalo mo diinget-inget pun masih suka serem sendiri) dan aku ga akan kayak gitu lagi. Titik.

Tapi kalo dipikir sekarang, kalo ga ngerasain hal itu, aku ga akan pernah sadar. Aku ga akan pernah surrender sama Tuhan, aku ga akan setaat ini sama Tuhan, dan aku ga akan rasain betapa hebatnya Tuhan (tapi intinya sih, cukup sekali deh ngerasain kayak begitu ;p) Aku rela banget dihukum Tuhan ketika aku harus dihukum dengan cara apapun asalkan jangan yang satu itu, ketika Tuhan diam dalam setiap doa-doaku, ketika sate aku bahkan ga ngerasain presencenya (God! aku bener-bener ga bisa!), mending dapet masalah (tapi ga minta2 juga sih;p) karena ketika masalah dateng silih berganti, aku akan tetap beridiri tegap karena aku tau aku sama Dia. Karena dalam Dia ada kemenangan. Karena ketika masalah datang, aku bisa lebih dekat sama Tuhan dan ketika aku bisa melewati masalah itu maka aku naik satu level dan tandanya kita lebih deket sama destinasi kita.

Sometimes, spiritual dryness tuh disebabkan oleh masalah-masalah yang datang mewarnai hidup kita, dan dasar kita manusia, ketika masalah dateng kita pasti langsung di intimidasi sama masalah itu. Bawaanya jadi stress, depresi, putus asa, salahin Tuhan dan bahkan ninggalin Dia, ujung-ujungnya mau bunuh diri. Kenapa kita ga bisa berpikir positif? ketika masalah dateng, itu saatnya kita refleksi diri dan harusnya kita tambah dekat sama Tuhan, bukannya ninggalin. Makanya kenapa ketika kita memutuskan masalah jadi tambah banyak dan ga beres-beres? karena kita belom dateng sama Dia. Kita bergantung sama kekuatan sendiri, kekuatan temen atau materi. I tell you: it'll never works out! even orang tua rohani kita pun ga akan mampu atasin masalah/perasaan kita. Cuma Tuhan yang bisa karena ini antara kita personally sama Tuhan dan ketika kita berpaling sama Tuhan ada sukacita yang luar biasa dalam hati kita, ada perasaan damai, aman dan tentram. Pokoknya mantap deh! :)

Yah, jadi mari kita ketika masalah datang, jangan cepat nge-judge bahwa Tuhan jahat dan ga sayang sama kita, tapi mari kita pikir bahwa karena Tuhan sayang sama kita maka Dia mau ngangkat kita ke tempat yang lebih tinggi. Bahwa Dia mau jadiin kita menjadi anak-Nya yang luar biasa, maka kita harus dilatih untuk menjadi kuat.

Jadi anak Tuhan kita harus pikul salib, dan emang salib itu ga ringan. Salib itu berat dan kita pasti bisa terjatuh, cos even Jesus waktu mikul salib Dia sempat terjatuh, tapi Dia ga pernah nyerah pikul salib-Nya sampai ke tujuan. Karena disana ada kemenangan. Ketika Dia disalib maka iblis dikalahkan. Makanya kita pun harus meneladani Yesus. Pantang menyerah memikul salib demi satu tujuan sesuai panggilan hidup kita.

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Langit sore itu berwarna biru dan mulai tercampur biasan sunset berwarna orange. Aku hanya terdiam dan merasa sepi. Aku benar-benar merindukan Dia. Rasanya sudah lama sekali aku tak berbincang-bincang dengan-Nya karena kesibukan rutinitasku, yah, sekarang sedang resesi maka pekerjaan menjadi berat. Pernah sesekali terlintas dalam benak, aku menyapa-Nya tapi Dia seperti tak mendengar. Apa Dia meninggalkanku? Apa Dia marah padaku? Entahlah. Dan hari itu, aku benar-benar merindukan-Nya. Aku rindu akan hadirat-Nya. Dan saat itu ketika hatiku sedang dilanda gundah dan diliputi perasaan kalah, hancur dan tak berpengharapan. Aku benar-benar butuh Dia.

Hening sore itu, aku tiba-tiba memanggil-Nya, "Yesus.. Yesus.. adakah Kamu mendengarku?" Tidak ada jawaban. Aku terus memanggil bahwa aku butuh Dia sekarang, tapi tetap tak ada jawaban. Aku diam sejenak, merenungkan semuanya. Sedih dan menyesal sampai tiba-tiba seseorang merangkul bahuku. Betapa lembut dan tegas, begitu menguatkan. Dia Yesus! Betapa senang aku melihat-Nya. Akhirnya Dia datang.

"Yesus, kenapa Kamu meninggalkanku?", tanyaku.
Yesus tak menjawab.
"Apa Kamu tak mendengar setiap panggilanku?"
"Kamu marah padaku? atau apakah Kamu sedang sibuk karena rancangan-rancangan baru-Mu?", aku mencoba menebak.
Masih tak ada jawaban.
"Bahkan sekarang Kamu tidak mau menjawab pertanyaanku." aku putus asa.

Tiba-tiba, dengan suara yang halus tapi jantan, Dia menjawab.
"Anakku, apakah kau tahu bahwa aku setiap hari ada didekatmu?"
Aku terkejut.
"Tahukah kamu bahwa aku tak pernah meninggalkanmu? bahwa aku selalu menuntun jalanmu dan selalu menguatkanmu? bahwa aku selalu memberikan perhatianku padamu seutuhnya dan tak pernah sibuk untuk urusan yang lain.
Sebaliknya, kamulah yang meninggalkanku.
Ketika resesi datang, aku ada disampingmu. Aku sudah bilang bahwa semuanya akan baik-baik saja. Tapi kamu menolak untuk percaya dan mulai fokus pada pekerjaanmu.
Aku telah mengingatkanmu untuk tetap memberikan yang terbaik dirumah Tuhan tanpa mempedulikan ketakutan akan resesi, tapi kamu tidak menaatinya.
Kamu mulai merasa ketakutan. Takut kalah, takut dipecat, takut dijatuhkan, takut miskin, takut hidup susah, takut gagal. Sebenarnya, kenapa kamu takutkan hal itu?
Tahukah kamu bahwa sikapmu yang seperti itu perlahan-lahan menjauhkan kita berdua? Rasa takutmulah yang membuat kehadiran-Ku hilang. Dengan rasa takutmu, kamu tak memperhitungkan keberadaank-Ku disisimu. Padahal kamu tau kan bahwa bersama-Ku kamu akan baik-baik saja? Kamu tau bahwa lewat Aku maka akan ada jalan keluar? Kamu tau bahwa dalam-Ku ada rasa aman? Jadi kenapa kamu takut? Tidakkah kau ingat aku pernah berkata bahwa resesi yang kubuat sekarang adalah untuk membuat manusia menjadi lebih bergantung kepada-Ku dan bukan sebaliknya. Jangan pernah bergantung pada kekuatanmu sendiri karena untuk itulah Aku selalu bersamamu.

Dan yakinilah satu hal, bahwa aku selalu mencintaimu. Setiap pagi kulihat kamu bangun, cintaku padamu semakin mendalam. Aku takkan pernah meninggalkanmu."

Mata-Nya memandangku dalam dan tersenyum memberi damai.
Aku tak bisa berkata apa-apa seiring dengan tetesan air mataku terasa di pipi. Aku benar-benar bersyukur punya Bapa seperti-Nya. Dan aku sangat menyesal karena telah menjadikan pekerjaanku sebagai prioritas. Aku bersyukur aku dirawat oleh tangan yang tepat. Tempatku berlindung. Sandaran jiwaku. Yesus yang selalu mengasihiku.

Kemudian, malam pun menjelang, aku berjalan masuk kerumah dengan hati yang lega dan siap menghadapi hari esok yang penuh harapan.


Yak! Hari ini aku sedang berusaha merampungkan seluruh cerita buat proyek animasi sekolah. Malah jadi ngobrol-ngobrol sama Dia deh tadi dan akhirnya munculah cerita ini (jari ngetik) dengan sendirinya. Hahaha. Inti ceritanya sama, tapi setting latar dan efek lainnya itu hanya untuk mendramatisir ajah. Hehehe. Okedeh. Besok nulis lagi ah, mumpung libur! Hehe. Today was another wonderful day of mine. All praise and worship will be forever Yours, Daddy! :)

Love today, love You!

you never come in 'second' place when putting God 'first' - Jeffrey Rachmat

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Thanks A Lot!

The revival words of today (penggalan surat cinta dari Tuhan) thanks kak!
Bersandarlah padaKu nak. Tinggallah didalamku. Jangan sedikitpun lupa bahwa kekuatanKu adalah kekuatanmu. Engkau, dilindungi didalam tempat yang Mahakuasa. Tetaplah dekat denganKu. Lepaskan bebanmu. Berikan semua bebanmu padaKu. Tinggallah dalam hadiratKu, engkau akan dapat mengatasi semuanya.

Ingatlah engkau tidak perlu berjuang dalam iman untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang sudah menjadi milikmu. Yang perlu engkau lakukan hanyalah menerimanya, Aku telah mengatakannya, “Damai sejahtera yang Aku berikan kepadamu, tidak seperti damai sejahtera yang diberikan dunia, akan tetapi damai sejahteraKu adalah damai sejahtera yang melampaui segala akal”.
Once again I declare, I have chose to believe Lord! Let it be let it be.. cause You are with me and You know the most what best for me! :)

Anyway, today was really a good day! He was stand by me through this day! You know, I have so many questions in my head lately. But then, through my days, I found the answer little by little! Really He is good all the time! Next posting will be my testimony story, see it tomorrow! Hehe. By the way, thanks a lot for the revival words bro! Power uh! :)

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Mobile Blogger

Gebi lagi kebosanan dikelas Yee Noh!hahaha

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Great Friend

Friendship isn't how you forget, but how you forgive.
Not how you listen, but how you understand.
Not how you see, but how you feel.
Not how you let go, but how you hold on!

Ok! I found those words on my friend's blog. Thanks for the revival words! :)
Here is some of mine.

Friendship isn't how you forget, but how you forgive.
A question quickly across in my mind, have you got hurt by your friends at least once? of course my answer is yes. But, have you ever forgave them? or you just simply forgot it and that's it! finish? no.
Forgetting, it straights the conflict but it also creates a distance in friendship itself. Deep down in your heart, the pain is still there. Someday, it is possible to you to hurt them back. That's not the way. Think about yourself with Him. Is He just simply forgetting your past? No. He forgave you, either your false big or small. It completely cleared up. More than that, He loves you.
Matthew 5:14-15

Not how you listen, but how you understand.
Cause listening is the easiest thing in this world to be done, everybody just able to do that. Even a stranger you met at the road could do that even better.
Think about when you're in a difficult time. Who would be the first you called? Of course the one who could understand you the most, right? Because sometimes friendship doesn't need the words. It just simply the presence. No matter how long it takes in a silence, but surely it could be the most precious thing that time.
So, when you are in the down point of your life, seek for the presence of God first. You shall find rest into your soul. Absolutely!
Matthew 11:28-30

Not how you see, but how you feel.
Tau lagunya Sheila on 7 - Sahabat Sejati? There's a phrase there;
"Arti teman lebih dari sekedar materi"
Yeah, persahabatan ga bergantung pada mata, tapi pada hati. Persahabatan ga melihat tampang atau fisik atau harta atau otak. Persahabatan itu ditentukan rasa, pengalaman saat kamu berada dalam suka ataupun duka. Karena persahabatan ga bisa dibayar dengan uang, tapi moment. Kenapa ada temen baik? temen deket? sahabat? Karena perjalanan kita sama mereka. Sometimes we hurt by mistakes, tapi tanpa itu ga akan pernah belajar menerima. It just simply see and never feel.
Kita, apa sudah menjadi sahabat yang baik buat Tuhan? Apa pernah kita ngelakuin sesuatu dan selalu memikirkan perasaan-Nya? Kita hanya melihat kebesaran-Nya yang bener-bener nyata dalam hidup kita. Tapi kadang balasan buat Tuhan ga setimpal. We hurt Him by our treat and never try to feel the pain effect we made. Let's look back and change. Shall we?
Proverbs 18:15

Not how you let go, but how you hold on.
Friendship is about being together even in the worst of time. It wouldn't be the words "giving up" but "holding on". It's not about, "just let it go" after you lost a game but it's about "let's try again and be better". Cause friendship creates power and not loose the power. So just remember when you're facing something really tough, you have Jesus who'll be always with you, who never give up for you, who always strengthen you with His presence.
1 Timothy 6:12

"a single rose can be my garden, a single friend? my WORLD!"

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test one test two dari hape ;p

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Randomly Wrote

Friendship is like hand-and-eye's case.
When hand gets hurt, eye starts crying.
When eye's crying then hand will clean the tears up.

Well, what can I say. That's true!
Lately, a lot of things spinning around my head. Things that must be thrown out from my mind. But I don't know what's the way. I even don't know how to start this writing, it is just to thank God for everything that He has made for me especially by tonight.

Sometimes, doing some walking and taking some talking can be released your feeling.
Yeap, thanks God, I have them who are always being around when I sense a million of feeling. Thanks God in advanced I have You who is always taking care of me 24 hours in a day. Grateful, cause He provides me a lot of friends around, bests and even new, and yet, He is still being the bestest ever! Lonely? There is no reason for me to being lonely. Absolutely!

I don't really know what's the point of writing this. It just simply for me to speak out the words. Sharing random things! Without loosing any glory for His Kingdom, I want to let the world knows; I NEED YOU LORD and will always be. I can never being apart from You even for a second! I know I'll fall and I'll fail. But with You, everything just going so perfect! Even when I was in a difficult time, Your presence strengthen me. You're holding my hand. YES! ;)

Many things left unreasonable in my mind. But let Your will be done upon my life! Let it just goes according to Your plans. I'm counting on You dear Lord.

Jeremiah 17:7-8

Thanks for replying me so soon! Thanks for being such a good friend for me. Thanks for being my hand and my eye in a very right time. Thanks for being understanding the most. Thank you!

but her leaf shall be green;
and shall not be careful in the year of drought,
neither shall cease from yielding fruit

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Happy Easter ! ^^

Finally today is easter! Here I put some documentation of my easter celebration together with my cellgroup (taken by my friend). We had such a good time together even it felt so tiring you know. A lot of new friends were came along and we did such a great fellowship! I love easter! God is awesome! He works in a special way in every movements of us! Wow! ^^

1st day
There are two new friends came along.
Ninta and Laura.

2nd day
Wow! We are plenty!
There are a lot; jimmy, bing bing, aloy, wily, william and the rest I forgot. oups! Sorryyyy!

By the way, I found two very cute kids. They were from China.
Bo Wen and Wan Xue.
Ey, they are very cute! wanna kidnap them!! ><

waiting train! HOHO (ga jelas!)

Cyndy dan Ikha! Mereka kembaran tanpa sengaja! HAHAHA

3rd day
Makan sushi! Happy Easter! LOL

2 orang kutuan? LOL (o'ou!);p

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How Cool is Our God

CHC easter services are started! It just pretty awesome with the drama. Actually this is my first easter in Singapore and everything looks unfamiliar for me, but one thing for sure, God is good all the time. Just everything He did was perfectly going.
By the way, today is the 2nd day of our celebration. Along these 2 days, the service was going very fast (cos we have drama) and the preach more like testimonial, but God's work in a very mysterious and miraculous way. Though for me, personally, I feel it a bit plain but the presence of God was there, strongly I can felt it. I know for sure that Holy Spirit was in movement to touch every soul, reaching the lost. At the end of the service, numbers of people very unexpectedly come to the altar and give their hearts to Jesus. I was wondering 'why?how could it be?' and the answer cause with Him impossible is nothing. Praise the Lord. Even now, I'm still amazed with that. Yeah! Jesus is so cool!^^

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Longest Day of the Days

Ini nih, yang harusnya jadi submission day ajah, yang harusnya drop by aja ke skolah, malah jadi stay forever a whole day booo. Udah gitu kelasnya udah kayak kapal karam. Udah gitu batal mencontreng deh. But, thanks God. He always good all the time. He never fail me and He always beside me. Even the day felt so tough, but it just came to past. ^^

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Only for Today

finally my body starts to feel the pressure. Even I'm trying to keep my mind thinking positively but my body just can't, it starts change oppositely. Weeks ahead will be so tough for me and today I'm positive feel stressed indirectly. But I promise I can overcome this situation, I promise only for today, yeap only for today I do let go my stress flow my body but never on my mind (I'm stressless in mind). Just say a little prayer, "Father o Father, strengthen me."

Weeks ago I found an encouraging words from my friend's blog.


There's work to do, deadlines to meet.
You've got no time to spare.
But as you hurry and scurry...
(Always Say A Prayer)

In the midst of family chaos,
"quality time" is rare.
Do your best; let God do the rest...
(Always Say A Prayer)

It may seem like your worries
are more than you can bear.
Slow down and take a breather...
(Always Say A Prayer)

God knows how stressful life can be
and wants to ease our cares.
He'll respond to all your needs...
(Always Say A Prayer)

Today I'm saying a little prayer
that God will send a smile to you
and send you special blessings
through everything you have to do.

yeap! must be ASAP!

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Integrated Studio Prjoect

I'm looking for idea idea idea idea idea and idea to come!!
LOL, this week is my submission week, will be very very busy. I'm not sure I'll be able to update my blog along this week, but somehow, it can be! LOL

My ISP's theme is: 24


dua puluh empat


hah? kamu bingung?
aku juga bingung!haha

must think out of the box leh, cannot just think "oh one day got 24 hours uh" too C-graded typical lor. Hohoho.

Woke up in the morning, surfing the net, and and and, nothing I can get. Malah update blog > I got no idea! hahaha.

Anyway, today I'm excited.
There will be Ps Nala Widya come from Bandung to our Indonesian Service and I'm ushering today!!! haha. *lebai mode : ON*

I hope I'll get revelation of my ISP! hahaha. Cause He always works in a mysterious way. Nothing is impossible. Huhuhuhu. Lord strengthen my spirit, don't let flesh take me over! ;)

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Step in Faith

Finally the morning prayer meeting was ended on friday. It was a great time experiencing God from early in the morning and got His messages to start the day. Power! :)

After gone through along 5 days morning prayer, I had learnt so many things, even the small things such to be punctual and be more patient and be more understanding to people. I really grateful! God thanks for always be with me! :)

Surely, God wants to encourage us, to step in faith in every action that we take. Even Ps Phill got the same massage. THEY WILL COME! Yeap, they will come while we keep doing all that we can, optimally.

7 more days to go, easter is on the way! Yeah, must fasten the fellowship and keep the good work to shine. Cause like Ps Phill said, the darkness will come to the light, the lost people will come to you as you shine. That's right.

A long time ago, I was ever wondering, why light? and why salt?is there no other things could illustrated the role?
then I found the answer was; cause light and salt have strong characteristic to control their surroundings. For instant, LIGHT, when people put it into the dark room, suddenly the room become bright, even when there is a few more dark space left in the corner, when the light come into that place then the place become light, no matter how dark it was, the light take control, no matter how big the dark took space, the light always wins the place, nothing we can do with that. In fact, dark is actually nothing while light is an exist thing. It has speed, it has power and it takes role. Now, WE ARE THE LIGHT, to shine in the dark, to light up people who still lost in the dark. WE ARE EXIST, to reach out people who are still in-exist today.
Same case to be the SALT, when this world tasteless or insipid, then we are the salt to make it tastes good. WE play important role in this world. So let's do our part, let's play our role with all our best. =)

The 2 scriptures before still in the rate of mine,
Isaiah 41:10 & Isaiah 42:6
I'll not be afraid cause I'm here for a righteous purpose =)

"Let Your harvest in, let Your harvest in"

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He Holds My Hand

Wow wow wow. Awesome day! ^^

Abis morning prayer pagi ini, aku jadi inget sepenggal kalimat dari 'statusnya' Ps Sidney, "If your life is a song, what's the title?" I'm still thinking about it now and wanna find a proper title for that. =)

Then sorenya, wow wow wow lagi deh..
selesai kelas jem 530 pm kan, then ada temen ku mau attend evening prayer meeting kan di Riverwalk, tapi dia ga tau tempatnya, akhirnya aku temenin deh. Rencananya cuma nganter kan, malah terdorong buat ikutan PM lagi. Tapi kayaknya emang Tuhan mau aku ikutan lagi deh, dari masih kelas aja uda kayak dibisikin "ayo, ikutan PM aja lagi", trus hari ini aku nenteng tugas sekolah ukuran A2 kan dan lumayan repot kalo dibawa kemana-mana, eh malah di bus stop ketemu sama housemate dan dibawa pulanglah artwork yang segede beruang itu, (hahaha, bebas ringan enteng deh abis itu) udah gitu, nyampe disananya aku dititipin ngbook seat buat 2 orang temen laennya, mau ga mau aku harus masuk ke gedungnya dong, ya udah, akhirnya ikutan deh. True, God is good all the time. While the prayer meeting was in progress, God spoke to me again. He wants me to have faith in every single thing I do. Have faith to those I will invite to easter "THEY WILL COME!" yes! yes! they will come! *visualizing*

Then He spoke thru bible tonight,

Isaiah 41: 10

janganlah takut, sebab Aku menyertai engkau, janganlah bimbang, sebab Aku ini Allahmu; Aku akan meneguhkan, bahkan akan menolong engkau; Aku akan memegang engkau dengan tangan kanan-Ku yang membawa kemenangan
Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice

Isaiah 42: 6

Aku ini, TUHAN, telah memanggil engkau untuk maksud penyelamatan, telah memegang tanganmu; Aku telah membentuk engkau dan memberi engkau menjadi perjanjian bagi umat manusia, menjadi terang untuk bangsa-bangsa
I the Lord have called You [the Messiah] for a righteous purpose and in righteousness; I will take You by the hand and will keep You; I will give You for a covenant to the people [Israel], for a light to the nations [Gentiles],

Praise the Lord! The scriptures are power man! It reminds me to a song, a very nice song by Don Moen - Be strong and take courage

Be strong and take courage
Do not fear or be dismayed
For the Lord will go before you
And His light will show the way

Be strong and take courage
Do not fear or be dismayed
For the one who lives within you
Will be strong in you today

Why don' you give him all of your fears
Why don't you let him wipe all of your tears
He knows, He's been through pain before
And He knows all that you've been looking for

Nothing can take you out of his hand
Nothing can face you can't command
I know that you will always be
In His love, in His power you will be free!!

Re-singing by Ron Kenoly (which is nicer for me personally)

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