Jalan - jalan :D

Entah kenapa, berjalan itu membuat hati senang (dibanding shopping or movie, yang akhirannya mendatangkan penyesalan) hahahaha. Kemaren berjalan-jalan selama 7 jam (dari jem 4 sore sampe 11 malem) dan hebatnya ga terasa!! Padahal udah muter-muter Bugis - Plasing - Cathay - Pomo - Wilkiedge - SMU - Singapore Museum - Esplanade - Marina Square - Raffles - Peace Center - Cathay - Bugis, from starbucks to starbucks - times to times. Voucher starbucks nya akhirnya kepake dan buku yang aku cari ga ketemu! Dan malemnya rada kerasa sih pegelnya tapi tidur nyenyak, hehehe, anyway, waktu lagi jalan-jalan banyak ketemu barang-barang lucu (for me) dan inilah dia beberapa yang sempet terfoto:

Boneka anjing warnah MERAH, lucu dan imut-imut! hahaha, di timezone nya tampiness mall (abis nganterin temen ke bandara, pagi-pagi, trus mampir ke mall terdekat deh)..

Ini di Singapore Museum, ada tank-tank warna pink yang disusun keatas (dulu uda pernah liat deh kayaknya tapi lupa dimana, hehehe, sekarang malah ada lagi)

Depan Raffles Mall (ato apa yah ?) ada payung-payung yang disusun seperti itu. Blom slese sih, tapi bagus-bagus deh :)

Esplanade - city hall, ada konser instrument musik melayu. Not bad! =)

masih di daerah city hall - capital mall, ada sepatu-sepatu hak tinggi menyerupai kuda (agak serem sih) tapi yah bagus-bagus dan unik... hehehe

Yah, begitulah. Kemaren itu bener-bener banyak yang aku temuin, tapi ada juga yang ga sempet difoto. Hari ini rencananya mo ke popular trus mau nemenin homie ke jurong (yes, jauh!) trus malemnya mau cellgroup ^^

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Perfect Time

Tonight, just noticed an interesting conversation with my junior and some of my high school friends. This is holiday season. Little by little, my friends start getting attached one by one. Kebetulan banget or, maybe, is this cos of holiday? Even the one who seems impossible to be, now is already in relationship. Haha. Then they asked me why I'm still single. Well, what can I say? this is not my time yet while this is the time for others. Anyway it doesn't mean that I never got attached before. haha. I did for some. I just haven't find it yet! It's not that easy for me and, personally, that is something I can't play with, cause it plays a big rule in my life. I have so many reasons to wait. Beside, I don't mind about it a lot this time. Maybe I have to start considering now. But I'm still in recovering stage for what I've gone through in the past. Not easy I told you.

Actually I'm a bit choosy, and because of that, I hurt some friends. I hate to get people hurt and, again, that's why I'm a bit sensitive when talking about my feeling. I'm good enough in controlling emotion indeed and people tend to catch it wrongly. Anyway, I've made used to it.

Talking about having a boyfriend, actually, I refer to the personality first and the appearance go second, of course in context he's still looking good. Though most of the people tend to said "eyes start first, heart secondly", yeah, sometimes it happens to me, unfortunately never beat the heart. What's the point of having an handsome bf while his personality is not good enough for you? For me handsome is a bonus, besides, a value of handsome/beautiful is a relative matter, right? Well the worst is, what's the point of having an ugly bf yet he hasn't a good attitude? Living hell.

Though it's still in a relationship stage, but, I concern about it very seriously. For me, it needs a wisdom and involves God in (He rights our life), cause if not, even LOVE could be a trap from satan. I've learnt my lesson. I have had a boyfriend, lasting for already years (and maybe it could be till now), but then God said no to me so I've to end it up. It hurts, really. But simply, I believe that time is not a proper time of mine, I chose God's way, I chose Him in my first place. In some people's cases, they get afraid to be lost, or maybe faithless, then they hard to choose between God and a men. But actually, if we believe, God really provides the best for us wherever He guides us to be.

I pray for my future spouse (whoever he'll be), cause however, a girl always concerns about it. I even pray it for detail (Mat 7:7). The top few points of it is, I want someone who is wise, faithful, humble, mature-minded, optimistic, nice to people, godly, success, and of course good-looking. More detail is only my secret with Daddy ;)

I believe His time always perfect! :)

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Things change. People come people go in our life. I prefer things just like the way they are, sometimes. I hate to be separated from people I love. It might affects my mood very bad. Maybe I can cover it but still it won't last longer. I will be so quite for some times or smiling could be so hard for me, even sometimes I pretend to be careless and don't know about things that I already knew (bad thing huh?). But it won't last any longer as well. Yeah, I like the way I am. Sometimes to letting the mellow side of me come out for a while is not that bad. What dya think? ;)

By the way it's monday! just found nice quotes from Dennis Ritchie (another fav author of mine):

  • Monday gives me a whole week to plan a great Friday.
  • Monday is all potential. I haven't had the chance to mess anything up yet.
  • Monday is the day of the week from which things will only get better.

Great isn't it? hope it inspiring you all! Burn this week shall we? :)

Phil 2:13 NLT
For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.

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Target Holiday

Wow! Now I have a lot of time to do anything I want! Bingung kan jadinya. Haha.

But first thing first is always grateful to God for everything He did in every days of my life. I believe the power of prayers and I chose to look upon my life with eyes of faith. My ISP days, He really guides me then finally I can finished it on time. And when the presentation day comes, He really really stands beside me till everything feels so relaxing. Even the questions sound so silly for me and still I can answered it. Haha. God is so good all the time. I believe for the result will be great. I have the favor of God. I did my best, God do the rest. I'm expecting a good result of course (1 Pet 1 : 13).

I don't feel like I want going home this holiday. But I have to. Mom suddenly canceled her visitation here, and asked me to go back. Now, I'm running to find a cheap ticket, not really easy to find huh. But anyway, I believe something good will happen there. I believe where God guides He provides. I'm so excited! Haha

This holiday, I'm planning to have some profitable activities. I mean, something that able to improve up my skill (any area). Learn something I don't know. Some has already appeared on my mind like, language? more software? business? general issues? sport? music? I have to hit those things when I spend my holiday (Philip. 4:13), and another things I've planned such as spend quality time with family, relatives, friends or maybe having a boyfriend? haha. Yah, pokoknya apapun itu, I know something really fun really great really awesome will come.

My holiday will be counted. A lil prayer that I always say in every single hour of my day, "use me oh God wherever I am. Let Your will be done." That makes my life always fulfilled at the end of the day :)

Well gotta go for sunday service. Have a blessed sunday everyone!:D

Psalms 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

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May 7, 2009
is my assessment day in this semester. You know what's that mean? the next 3 hours is HOLIDAY!! Wow I'm excited man! But at the same time, it ends my journey as the member of 1M! I'm sad. All I can say only good bye and nothing I can do. We're moving on, closer to our destiny. We were classmate but we are mate forever. Happy to be with you 1M and happy to being involved.
These are some pictures taken by Clement Tan.

The rest pictures you can see in this link 1Mblog

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Mission Complete

Halo everyone! Ternyata menyisakan bagian ngeprint di hari terakhir itu bener-bener melelahkan (emang sistem nyicil udah yang paling efektiffff). Aku butuh pijitan seorang master di kaki nih. Hahahahahahahahaha. Pegel uy! And still gotta go to help my friend soon :)
Hmm, I don't know why, hahaha, but it feels joy that I can did it by myself  (anak mami udah gede uy!HAHA) and of course it was not by my power alone but because of my beloved Father above! (Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Daddy!) XD

Actually, this morning, He was gently reminded me that He will always be by my side. No worries! Never be afraid of something! Everything's gonna be alright! and sure it does!=D

Philippians 4:6-7
Job 3:25

Well, look back for awhile, I was reminded of a conclusion on Sunday's service sermon, that if we want to be success in our life, we have to have a destination of life. Then we can start to plan our life. Manage every single thing we do and value every second of our life. Of course with self-commitment and we must take action to worked it out! At the end of the day we would have a counted day, a productive day! Isn't it sounds great?

It simply start with our daily life first, set a goal for every day of our awakening. Then it will flow to a great goal for our future.
Learnt from my today, I was targeting to finish things up by this evening, so that I can help my friends to finish hers. Then, me, automatically start to plan things what must I did in every single hour of mine, so, I can hit the goal on time, and by the way, I finished it earlier than what I've planned. HA-HA-HA
Senjata pemungkas terakhirnya adalah DOA followed by FAITH! GEBI BAKAL DAPET A! A! A! A! A! A! A! A! A! lalalalalalala :D kalo dapet A+ thanks God banget deh, dapet bonus tuh dari Papaku yang Maha Baik. Hehe ;)

Me, actually, have set goals for this year. I really do try to work it out. Today, some of my goals have already done and some are still on the way to be done (surely it will be done), though sometimes I missed the day and let the opportunities gone, I lost my self-commitment. But I believe I can live better each days, strengthen my commitment =D
Maybe I'll post it out by the end of this year (LOLS, still a long way to go) =D

Ok deh.
Mau siap2 dulu deh buat ke tempat temen. Huahuahauahaua. Capek pisaaannnn! mana singapur panas lageh. Tapi tetep mantep lah :D
Bai bai

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My Silly Action :p

Well, it's now 00:42 on my clock appearance. I don't know what I am doing now.
Don't ask me why. Ok?!
I'm stuck, I'm bored, I'm not sleepy, I'm excited of nothing, and I'm well.

I love to sing in the middle of the night!LOLS
and I broadcast it in my page, I don't know what I'm doing now.
I even didn't sing that time. Only "mmm..nanana..lalalala,,and so on"
and I know, I can't play guitar very well. HARAP MAKLLUM

OHMYGOD!I'm tired. Gotta rush finish my project, so that I can sing better than this! :D

So lame!!!!!!!! XD

ps. buat temen2 gw yg nonton ini, jangan tanyain gw kenapa begeneh. Jawabannya sih karena ini efek assessment yang bikin gw bohwat. Dari yang paling alergi video skarang malah narsis merekam diri sendiri. Hahahaha. Lu pada jijay? gw juga koq XP hahahaha. Sorry gw lagi high maannnnnn! jadi ga peduli apa kata dunia lalalala ;D
ntar kali, kalo rada normalan dikit, postingan ini akan lenyap. Mending enjoi selagi masih bisa haha!
pengabadian moment aneh gw wakakakakaka :D

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Encouragement for today

Simply want to share something, which is so blessed me, I hope you guys feel the same.

In times of need, God sends ordinary men and women with extraordinary vision. You are extraordinary men and women of God.

God doesn't call us to do things in our own strength. Then we wouldn't need him.

God stretches us beyond our abilities to show his glory.

by Superkingdom

Discipline enables you to think first and act second - Joyce Meyer

Eliminate distractions today. How much more could you get done without any distractions? Have a productive day! - Ericka D Jackson

Brave and smart is better than only brave - Dennis Ritchie

Prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Pet 1:13

Have a nice day everyone! Today Steve Munsey is going to preach ini city harvest church! So excited!

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My Thought

I know, these few weeks I was made too many excuses to my self for my assessment's sake. Maybe cause I was too afraid to fail, or should I say myself KIASU? according to my friend's theory it means afraid to lose. Indeed, I am! and these few weeks passed, I know I was stepped unwisely. Focus in my assessment is a good thing, that's just right (I'm student indeed). But, thing that fail me is I've deify it! Today I just realized. I didn't come to my cellgroup fellowship, I paid regret for it, and blaming my assessment. OH MY! I've sacrificed my cellgroup instead of my almost-done-assessment. My thought made me so (and I still have some more quite similar things).

Tonight, I got the answer of why these weeks just made me very bored and a bit 'dry' otherwise I keep doing my quite-time. Because, I put my assessment above all things, everything! Looks like I've been good enough cause doing my work, or it could not be done till the deadline is coming (I am too afraid OHMAIGAT). Actually, I'm on the way to kill my self if I keep thinking like that. I'm getting careless to other (so self-centered OH NO THAT'S NOT ME!) and just focus to finish my work (how bad of me!) Now, my work just almost done and I didn't really get the pleasure of it though I've tried to make it excellently. Less-productive, that's it! I made my self unavailable to be used by God. Lend hands to the needy.

Feel guilty? Yes, I did.
But I'll not stay in this stage of guiltiness. I'm moving on. Blaming my self will never could solve any problems occurred. Yesterday is a lesson to be practiced TODAY even better. I'm still in the same responsibility that need to be done wisely.

Yeah, this is my assessment week, I do busy. Surely I'm doing it and wish for a good result (of course) but will be even wise to manage everything. To be willing help another, supporting and anything I could done. First start with my thought.

Things that seem impossible to be done by human are possible to God BUT of course we have to do things that are possible to be done. We have to take a try first, today I was fail but tomorrow is a brand new day. We can live better each days! :D

As he thinks within himself, so he is - Proverbs 23 : 7

In everything he did he had great success, because the Lord was with him - 1 Samuel 18 : 14

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succed - Proverbs 16 : 3

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