Jesus Awesome!

What a happy day for me.
Lord, finally, I did my part and God did His part. Hari ini akhirnya seorang temenku mau lahir baru. Bener-bener terima Yesus as his savior. God! Bener-bener seneng lihat ada satu temen lagi selamat dan nyenengin lagi kalo tahu bahwa Tuhan nunjuk kamu sebagai partner kerja-Nya. Wow! I'm excited man!^^
Bener-bener motivated banget deh mau soul-winning lagi.^^
Tuhan bantu yaaaaa :D Hehe.
ps. hari ini aku pake baju merah kotak-kotak yang kedua kalinya! (haha) baju yang sama yang aku pake waktu aku lahir baru juga :D:D (hahaha..penting ga sih?!;p)

Skarang lagi follow-up temen2 yang laen lagi. Yah, I'm doing my best now. Hopefully itu bener-bener ada hasilnya. Sebenernya aku udah nyiapin sebuah alkitab buat temenku yang lahir baru ini, secara aku yang invite dia, tapi tadi udah keduluan ma temen cellgroup yang laen. Yah gapapa deh :) it means simpen buat jiwa baru yang akan dateng. Yeap yeap! I believe that the bible that I prepared now belongs to someone else. :)

By the way, I found the answer on today's sermon by Phil Pringle (He is really a man of God). He said that when Jesus gives you a big trouble it means He wants to make you a bigger person, bigger than what you are now. Yeah, I know that Jesus wants me to go up to the next level. He tests my faith. "I'm building my faith now, Lord. Obeying Your words even when it seems very difficult for me. I'm just a girl Lord! weakness is all about feeling. But I love my Lord. I did it." So I've to enlarge the capacity of mine, focus to my study, my ministry and society. I'm still have to shining for Him. I'm casting out all my doubt into His hands. Truly, Jesus is my provider ever! He leads me according to what I asked, " aku ga mau jadi cermin dari orang itu, orang yang dimata aku bener-bener salah, aku ga mau jadi kayak dia, looks very on fire but not as it looks inside. Aku ga mau ngulang same bad scenes in my life Lord. Too hurt and scary. Tuhan gebi mau jadi anak yang baik. Want to live my life wisely full of joy love peace. I really want to be more mature mentally and spiritually." dan bener aja, step that I moved is really the way of my pray. I didn't do the same. Just let go let go let go. Take a deep breathe and let go let go let go. Lord, let Your will be done upon my life.

At the end of the day, with patience and faith, I found it just came to past. Yes! I'll be there. Yes! =D

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